Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day chock full of nail designs

Yesterday, I posted a design challenge from a friend. I carried on the Halloween theme, and then just kinda played a bit and came up with a few more. Very productive day in the design examples department!

The mummy was inspired by Dying4Chocolate's youtube video, the Haunted house shots were by ihaveacupcake, and the spider loosely by MissChevious

Then I went on to play with water marbling, and had a wild hare and made a back-to-school design while I was at it. Long day, but full of fun & color.
After getting some feedback on the earlier designs, I got a special request on a "fun" spider design, based on a picture a friend found online. This guy turned out really fun (and cute), if I do say so myself!


  1. Brie,
    I canNOT express how impressed I am by all of your nail art!! I hope we can get together soon. i don't have any nails left, but maybe if I had a cool dude picture on them I would let them grow?!
    I think my favorite nails are the mummy and the spider. Just...TOO....CUTE!!!!

  2. Well thank you! And now I must ask (after updating)... which spider do you like better?

  3. oh wow! You have put me in a dilemma!
    Well...for fun, and to go with the mummy, I choose the latter. But, for cool effects and to go with a haunting theme, I truly did like Ms. Widow!!
